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Smart home | Venetian blind installation selection

01. According to the depth of the window frame, use exposed or concealed installation ▼

There are two ways to install venetian blinds: surface installation and concealed installation. Which installation method to use depends on the depth of your window opening.

This is because there needs to be a space to close the venetian blinds. If your window frame has a depth of more than 6 cm, it is suitable for concealed installation.

As for the size of the venetian blinds will be limited by the window hole, it is recommended that the width of the venetian blinds is 1 cm less than the window frame, which is more convenient to use and will not get stuck on the walls on both sides of the window hole.

The method of surface installation is to add a curtain box on the outside of the window frame, and the blinds will completely cover the entire window frame area, and the shading is relatively good.

The width and height of the venetian blinds need to be 10 cm more than the windows, and they can be completely covered up, down, left and right to avoid light leakage.

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02. Choose suitable materials according to the space ▼

If the budget is sufficient, it is recommended to use solid wood shutters in the living room and dining room to enhance the appearance and texture of the space.

As for bedrooms and bathrooms, they are made of PVC, which is high quality and low price, and also has the characteristics of water and moisture resistance, and it is not easy to mold when used in the bathroom.

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Contact: May liu

Phone: 18320066406

E-mail: may@cnhousehold.cn


Add: Third Floor ,521th Tianyuan Road, Yuangang Street ,Tianhe District ,Guangzhou,Guangdong ,China