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Selection and placement of Tuya smart ZigBee gateway

Some users are struggling with two things when choosing zigbee gateway: whether the gateway is wireless or wired, and then where the gateway is appropriate. This paper briefly discusses the two problems below.

We know that there are about 40 wired gateways (connected to power supply and network cable) and about 20 wireless gateways (only connected to power supply and no network cable); Can only wear one wall, and the signals of the two walls will be very poor and unstable. Therefore, the selection of gateway mainly depends on the number of connecting equipment and house structure.

House type: single room, one bedroom and one living room, two bedrooms and one living room (there is a wall between the rooms)

One gateway is basically enough. It can be wireless gateway or wired gateway.

House type: three bedrooms and one living room, three bedrooms and two living rooms (there are several walls between the rooms)

At least two gateways are required. One wireless gateway + one wireless gateway and one wired gateway + one wireless gateway can be adopted.

Note: no matter which house type, if the number of connected devices is large and the signal is poor (obvious equipment control delay, etc.), you can increase the number of wireless gateways or replace them with wired gateways. As for gateway selection, wireless gateway can be used wherever wired gateway can be used, but if wired gateway is used instead of wireless, there must be a network port. In addition, the wired gateway is tens of dollars more expensive than the wireless gateway. If the wireless gateway can meet the needs, there is no need to use the wired gateway, which also saves money for users.

There are two main considerations for the placement of the gateway: the central location of the house type, which is close to other rooms and has few partitions; Frequent activity areas, such as living room, bedroom, etc.





Contact: May liu

Phone: 18320066406

E-mail: may@cnhousehold.cn


Add: Third Floor ,521th Tianyuan Road, Yuangang Street ,Tianhe District ,Guangzhou,Guangdong ,China