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ALIVE HOME | How to determine the number of Tuya Smart ZigBee gateways?

When buying smart home products, some of our friends are very confused. How many zigbee gateways should I buy? Answer: Buy the product and try it out first. But there are many skills in this test, and I will discuss it with you below.


I told you before that if the products are in 1 or 2 rooms, you should consider buying a wireless gateway first (wired gateways are also fine, but the price is more expensive). The price is cheap, the price is high, and it meets the requirements. If the products are distributed in 3 rooms, the wired gateway should be considered first. As for the number of gateways, we need to see the results of debugging.



First add the gateway to the Tuya Smart APP, and then configure the network for all products. When you find that some ZigBee devices have been unable to connect to the Internet or cannot find the device in the ZigBee gateway, we predict three situations at this time:


1 There is a problem with the quality of the device or the version mismatch between the device and the gateway Verification: The gateway can be configured normally, and then the device and the gateway are put together for network configuration. If it is still unable to connect or can be connected but cannot be controlled, that is the quality of the product If there is a problem or the version of the device and the gateway do not match, you need to contact the product customer service for after-sales service.


2 The gateway is too far away to verify: the gateway can configure the network normally, and then put the device and the gateway together for network configuration. If the device can connect to the mobile phone normally, it means that the gateway is too far away, and it is necessary to optimize the location of the gateway or add another gateway .


3 There are too many devices connected to the gateway Verification: Remove part of the devices in the gateway. If the device can connect to the mobile phone normally, it means that there are too many connected devices, and another gateway needs to be added.


Through the above three verification methods, the connection problem between the gateway and the device can basically be ruled out.

zigbee gateway (2).jpg




Contact: May liu

Phone: 18320066406

E-mail: may@cnhousehold.cn


Add: Third Floor ,521th Tianyuan Road, Yuangang Street ,Tianhe District ,Guangzhou,Guangdong ,China